One Day to Find Your Freedom
What you learn over the course of this day will change your life forever… you just have to let it. In this immersive experience, you will move through moments of hyper-focus and hypo-focus, you will be connected to your most primal instincts – nothing else matters as thoughts and emotions subside.
There will be a moment at the end of the day when everything comes together in fractions of a second as you press through the trigger and wait for it… ping! A few seconds after that shot rings out you hear it hit its intended target almost 1,000 yards away.
There is a moment of exhilaration, satisfaction, success and freedom – freedom from everything that would have previously stopped you, freedom from the “can't’s, should’s, maybe’s and someday’s,” freedom from the persistent battle between your internal state and your external state.
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What Attendees are Saying…
Exhilarating. Terrifying. Exhausting. Body tremors. Tears. Laughs. The ultimate rollercoaster ride trying to find myself.
— Fernanda
The meditation and long-range shooting retreat was powerful and visceral on a level that is difficult to explain to anyone that hasn't been through it. An absolute must for anyone that identifies as Driven.
— Jason

The Shooting Meditation Experience
- A Full day meditation and long-range shooting exercise
- Guidance on a specific meditation style ideal for the Driven
- Training on use of the guns
- Group sharing and reflection, guided by Dr. Doug
- Overnight accommodations and all meals provided
- Each retreat is Limited to 8 people so you will have distinct one-on-one coaching as you move through the day.
Most who attend have little to no experience
with weapons so don’t let that stop you!
We have spots available forÂ
*Available dates are subject to a maximum of six attendees per date.
Sign Me UpJoin Randy Kelley and Dr. Doug Brackmann in Columbus, Ohio
Randy Kelley (yes the OG) and Dr. Doug will be holding one day Driven Meditation Shooting events outside of Columbus Ohio in September and October, 2024.ÂÂWhat it isÂ
This is an overnight event starting the evening before the day we shoot. We meet at the Hampton Inn in Cambridge, Ohio at 5 pm. We will make all reservations for you once you pay for your spot.ÂWe will go through the very basics of what will happen the next day on the range and train you to get in and out of the gun, then we head to a group dinner.ÂThe next morning breakfast is served at the hotel and then after checking out around 7:30 am, we head to the range which is about 25 minutes away.ÂSnacks, drinks, and lunch will be provided on the range.ÂThe day wraps up around 3 to 3:30.ÂThe Airport is approximately an hour and half from the range.ÂDeparture flights should be made after 6 pm or later.ÂWe often continue to “Fun” shoot after the event until 4 pm or so and those with 6 pm flights should leave by 3 pm. We recommend getting later flights so you are not rushed.ÂTHIS IS MY FAVORITE RANGE!!ÂTargets will be engaged from 200 yards to 2200 yards.ÂÂA HIT with the .375 CheyTac on the One Mile Target is like touching heaven with a lightning bolt, ABSOLUTELY MYSTICAL (approximatedly: 1600 yards).ÂFlying in
- John Glenn Columbus International Airport is approximately 90 minutes from the Hotel and Range.
- Pittsburg International Airport is approximately 2 hours from the Hotel and Range. Â
                 ÂShoot dates for Driven Meditation shooting: ÂSeptember 22-23 and 23-24, 2024October 20-21 and 21-22, 2024ÂCost is $1999 per person ALL INCLUSIVE, hotel, meals, snacks included. Just arrive at the Hotel and a reservation will be in your name.ÂTHIS IS LIMITED TO MAXIMUM OF 6 PARTICIPANTS PER DAY. IT WILL FILL UP. First PAID holds the spot.ÂÂLink to register and pay:
Sign Up for a Q&A with Dr. Doug
to Learn More
Ask questions, meet the facilitators, and
reserve your spot in our next retreat!

Shooting Retreat Q&A